Office Intruder runs the gamut from employees stealing supplies to thieves gaining access after-hours. In a commercial building, it only makes sense to become extra-cautious, no matter how comfortable you might believe. Below are some ways that workers, supervisors, and building owners can work together to reduce the risks.


When you’re at work, keep your personal items safe. Your purse, keys, wallet, cell phone, and other precious items are small, simple targets. Carry them around with you or lock them in a safe cupboard or drawer.

Check the identification of anyone you don’t understand on your office intruder. Ask who they are and that they are seeing. Assess your workplace policy on people and be certain they follow the rules, for example signing in or always being accompanied by an escort.

Separate your private life in the work life. If you are discussing plans for the weekend or even your upcoming vacation with colleagues, make sure no clients or people are within earshot. Not only is it possible, but you never know what a stranger’s goals may be.

Try not to take the stairs alone. Do not get in an elevator with anybody who seems threatening. It’s better to wait a few moments than to put yourself in a risky position.

Avoid dimly lit stairwells, corridors, and parking lots. If you’re working late, let somebody know where you are and when you are leaving. Create an action plan to get safely to your vehicle or public transit, rather than let a stranger into the workplace after business hours.

Report broken doors, or locks immediately. Never assume that someone else did.


Be cautious and diligent in the hiring procedure. The more thorough your screening procedure, the less likely you’ll fall victim to an inside job.

Conduct regular safety audits to identify potential weaknesses. Many security companies offer you these audits free of charge or office intruder.

Consider upgrading access control procedures to make certain that the only men and women who can get into your office are individuals who belong there. For instance, you may use badge scanners on rooms which contain sensitive equipment, an intercom system for visitors, and vandal-proof hardware on exterior doors. Your safety professional can help you decide what makes sense for your business.

Consider installing surveillance equipment. You have to be careful to not make your employees and clients feel distrusted, or to do anything that may be considered spying, however a simple camera system can be a hindrance. Should you have an issue, camera footage can help bring a burglar.

Conduct regular employee safety training. Besides learning to keep their belongings safe from injury, your employees can also play an important role in safeguarding your business’s equipment and information. Hold training courses at least once each year, and pass along useful safety tips by email now and then.

Building Owners

Commercial building owners have both moral and legal responsibilities to their renters. Hire a security professional to run a complete building evaluation and make recommendations. At a minimum, all exterior doors must have deadbolts and all windows have to be protected. High security locks or electronic access-control units with secure key bypass systems are even better.

Reduce shadowy areas around the construction with the addition of lights and trimming shrubs, and put in both continuous and motion-control lighting near access points. Restrooms must have high-security locks, and just workers should have keys or codes. If you have a building-wide receptionist, the desk should be equipped with a panic button.

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